
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rick Raw: Nadya Suleman-- Baby Factory is A Liar and Opportunist

The sensational case of Nadya Suleman giving birth to eight babies after being implanted with in vitro fertilized eggs has stirred up debate on the ethics and morality of her decision. Suleman already had six kids and was living on money she received from a lawsuit–over 100 grand, and disability.

At first blush, I thought she would be a typical welfare mother–fat and slovenly. Shockingly, at 33, Suleman is attractive, and curiously, looks like Angelina Jolie. She has a degree in psychology and had worked a mental institution as a counselor. It was there during a riot that she was seriously injured and suffered through a long recovery. She sued and won her case.

During Suleman’s convalescence, she was depressed and longed to have many children–surrounding herself with her offspring’s love. (Perhaps she should have found a boyfriend to feed her need for love.) So after she recovered, she asked a male friend if he would donate his sperm so she could have children. On Dateline, she made it clear she is not romantically involved with her donor, but he wants to be in the children’s lives. Hmmm, I wonder is he working on the diaper changing assembly line.

Six babies later, Suleman still wanted more kids. So her stalwart male donor (a prolific masturbater) again made the scene with a magazine inside the sperm bank and a sympathetic doctor implanted all of her fertilized eggs. Eight more premature bambinos were cut out of her womb. Now, Suleman has fourteen kids, no job, dwindling funds, but a positive attitude. Clearly, she is intelligent and determined to raise her brood while going back to school to get her masters degree.

When I saw Suleman’s interview on Dateline, I was impressed with her can-do attitude. She came across as having all these kids is something she was destined to do, despite the physical, emotional, and financial burden on her and her circle of friends. Still, I was bothered by her selfishness knowing there is no way she can give them all the love and support they need.

Of course, the morality and ethics of this case is open for debate. Now that we have the technology to allow women to have multiple births beyond four or five babies, is it violating moral or ethical standards? Just how many kids should a woman have at once? The answer is: As many as she wants. This is not China where the government tries to limit the population explosion.

"I know I’ll be able to afford them when I’m done with my schooling," Suleman said to Anne Curry in the Dateline interview. To date, Suleman has received disability payments from the State of California, but she refuses to accept welfare payments except for food stamps, which she doesn’t consider welfare. She and her children were living in her mother Angela Suleman’s house, but since the death threats, she has moved to an undisclosed location.

Nonetheless, despite her seemingly righteous motivations, there are underlying sinister machinations that bother me. Her new agent is shopping a reality show and other commercial possibilities to earn money. Clearly, NBC did not pay Suleman to get their exclusive interview and videos.

Ultimately, Suleman is using her situation for commercial gain which may have been her sole reason for doing this baby gig in the beginning. If so, I feel sorry for all her kids who will pay the price for her selfishness and greed. I think Nadya Suleman has figured out an angle to make money. I’m sorry, I’m cynical. I’ve seen too many con artists and scammers get rich to think that Suleman is sincere.

Obviously, she lied to Anne Curry about having her lips enhanced to look like Angelina Jolie. The pictures of her before and after her lip-job tell the true story. Letters she wrote to Jolie have surfaced. Now, (as of Feb. 19th) Suleman’s house could go into foreclosure. My conclusion is: Suleman is a liar and plans to exploit her 14 kids. Meanwhile, California taxpayers will be picking up her tab.


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