
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Rick Raw: Rice-A-Looney–Condoleezza Rice is Delusional in Her Praise of W

By Rick Grant

Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has gone looney with her praise of W. She said that "Despite W’s low approval ratings, people will soon start to thank him for what he’s done." Right! As John McEnroe used to scream at the line judge, "You can’t be serious." What hallucinogenic drug has she been inhaling to reach this outrageous conclusion?

"So we can sit here and talk about the long record but what I would say to you is that this president has faced tougher circumstances than perhaps at any time since the end of World War II, and he has delivered policies that are going to stand the test of time," Rice said on CBS’ Sunday Morning.

Ms. Rice is delusional if she thinks that serious W watchers will "thank him" for the Katrina mess, which is the point his approval ratings started to plummet. W’s record is a series of collossal blunders, outright lies about his justification for going to war with Iraq, missteps on the infrastructure policy, lack of leadership on foreign policy, and many other mistakes. His lack of leadership caused the collapse of our economy, an expensive and deadly war in Iraq, allowing the Taliban to regroup in Afghanistan, hesitations that led to the failure to capture or kill bin Laden, and his inability to see the big picture as president. And, the $10 trillion national debt clicks away reminding us of W’s disastrous economic policies. Get real, Rice!

Rice continues her compendium of gibberish when she ignored reports that the United States image is suffering among our foreign allies. She praised the administrations ability to change the conversation in the Middle East. What! Has she gone mad? I’ve reviewed the foreign press’ vitriol about W and it’s not pretty.

And she goes on again with her jabber, "This isn’t a popularity contest. I’m sorry, it isn’t. What the administration is responsible to do is to make good choices about Americans’ interests and values in the long run–not for today’s headlines but for history’s judgment."

Rice is preaching blasphemy to a news media beaten senseless by W’s outrages over his eight year reign of incompetence. It’s time for Ms. Rice to stop kissing W’s butt and think of her own future. Her steadfast loyalty to W has weakened her position for coming out of this "confederacy of dunces" with her dignity in tact.

Asked by CBS’ Rita Braver why some former diplomats say Americans are disliked around the world, Rice said, "I know what U.S. policy has achieved. And so I don’t know what diplomats you’re talking to, but look at the record." She goes on to say, "I’m not bothered by criticism about me or the administration’s policies. If a person in my business is not being criticized, you’re not doing something right." Well la de da. Ms. Rice needs serious rehab.
Braver went on to ask Rice, about historians who say W is one of the worst presidents.

"They aren’t very good historians...If you’re making historical judgements before an administration is already out–even out of office, and if you’re trying to make historical judgements when the nature of the Middle East is still to be determined, and when one cannot yet judge the effects of decision that this president had taken on what the Middle East will become. I mean, for goodness sakes, good historians are still writing books about George Washington, Good historians are certainly still writing books about Harry Truman," she said.

"For goodness sakes," indeed! Ms. Rice has been sneaking into the White House liquor cabinet to come up with that gobbledegook. So, please feel compassion for Ms. Rice whose close associaton with W has warped her judgment and sent her into a delusional state so severe, she can’t see beyond W’s lame rationalizations. Poor Ms. Rice, she needs a long vacation away from the White House and months of in-patient rehab to clean W’s BS from her system. (All quotes gleaned from CNN coverage.)


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