
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Rick Raw: Obama Healing the Wounds of Past Bipartisan Acrimony

President Obama came to the White House with no left over bitterness or revenge motivation that would make bipartisan cooperation impossible. This is in stark contrast to his predecessors Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. They came from the rough and tumble politics of Texas and Arkansas and the culture clashes of the 1960s-1990s. During their respective administrations the Democrats were the hip liberal party and the Republicans were the stodgy square party of the far right. It was the smack down politics of kill or be killed.

Over the years, vendettas clouded the air between parties. When W was coronated into office by the Supreme Court, stealing the election from Al Gore, Democrats were bitter and dug in for the battles to come. Then the Republican majority victory in Congress was squandered by over zealous partisan initiatives. This led to gridlock on the Hill that clogged up the progress of worthy causes and the much needed regulation of the Stock Market. Now we are paying the price.

Hail to the new Chief. President Obama has reached out across the aisle to bring Republicans into the decision making process. He listens to suggestions and is open to new ideas, regardless from which party they are originating. His lack of ego and calm decision making persona is a powerful tool for getting thing done.

Indeed, President Obama is genuinely trying to heal the wounds of past bipartisan acrimony. Of course, the art of the deal requires making compromises. The Democrats and Republicans have to meet each other on common ground. In the end, President Obama will have to make the final decision and it will not please everyone.

The President’s cabinet is a centrist body-politic that by its very make-up includes both parties. So far the Republicans are pleased by President Obama’s tax cut initiative. It may not be exactly what they had in mind, but it comes close enough for them to vote yea. It’s too early in the game to predict that this spirit of cooperation will continue.

Lurking in the wings are the ultra-conservative activists who are not necessarily interested in bipartisanship or flexibility. They want what they want, and don’t encourage compromise. They are lined up with various religious zealots who think that their religion is the only belief system that will get their parishioners into heaven. They are the born-agains who say that unless one is saved, hell is one’s only option. So, these closed minded dolts will always be a problem. But they can be circumvented by the Democratic majority.

There are those naysayers that predict President Obama will not have the guts to stand up to Republican machinations or his own party’s liberal agenda . But that is unsubstantiated negative speculation. President Obama has demonstrated he has the leadership skills to transcend the bipartisan bickering and make the tough decisions. He exudes calm strength which motivates his cabinet and inspires respect from his detractors.

Time will tell if President Obama can rise above the slash and burn politics of the past. He is off to a great start and his impressive show of strong leadership has ushered in a new dawn of American presidential power that brings people together for the common good. Everyone is watching and praying that President Obama can solve our overwhelming problems.


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