
Thursday, May 03, 2007


BY RICK GRANT May 3, 2007

The publication for which I write, EU Jacksonville is aimed at the 18 to 34 demographic as are most entertainment periodicals. We are swept up in the belief that this age group drives our economy. It’s true that young people are avid consumers of goods and services. However, the idea that the youth culture or subcultures are the predominate force of our consumer zeitgeist is overstated, even a completely false assumption.

The boomer generation is reaching retirement age. Yet, the whole concept of retirement has changed to a new model– today, the mid-sixties healthy seniors change careers instead of retiring and moving to a condo in Sarasota. Senior citizens have learned that they can be productive citizens working in a new career that gives them satisfaction, which nurtures their soul. The truth is: People are living longer. It is not unusual to meet people in their nineties still leading active and productive lives.

In our society, the seeds of rampant ageism are rooted in the us-versus-them mentality created by the generation gap. As today’s teenagers reach adulthood, they are naturally rebellious and see their parents as relics of the past. They think that their generation has all the answers and mom and dad are full of crap.

Then, as youth mature, get married, take out mortgages, and accept the responsibility of being parents themselves, they begin to empathsize with their parents generation–only to a certain extent. Still, they harbor deeply repressed resentment and look upon their generation as superior to their parents’ age group.

And so it goes for every subsequent new generation. This negative stereotype carries over into a young person’s view of all older people. In other words, they are thinking, "senior citizens should get out of our way and let us bloom."

As part of the natural growing up process, youth want to make their own mark on our world. Clearly, today’s youth have many advantages in technoloy, education, and new and exciting careers. But to anoint them as sole target of advertising is narrow minded and discounts the overwhelming affluent mature culture– successful older people who have plenty of discretionary income to buy goods and services.

As people get older, that is, older than 34, (that mysterious cutting off age) they don’t stop spending and dry up like prunes. If all advertising is aimed at the 18-34 demographic, then why do we have so many ads for erectile dysfunction, arthritis medications, and Depends? Yes, the youth have MTV, video games, rock concerts, and other youth oriented vehicles for advertising that feeds the youthful mind.

In contrast, the real money is being spent on the individual investor stock market websites and other mature money making ventures. The truth is: Older people have more money to spend on quality goods and services than the MTV generation. Twentysomethings buy VW Rabbits and Neons-- sixtysomethings buy Cadillacs and Lexuses.

So, let’s cast aside this 18 to 34 demographic as a limited interval–a myth that needs erasing. Young people and seniors have a lot to learn from one another. Let’s get along and stop resenting each other. We are, after all, citizens of earth. And, age is just a number.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger alex said...

At 10:31 AM, Blogger alex said...

At 12:22 PM, Blogger alex said...

At 2:37 PM, Blogger alex said...

At 5:13 PM, Blogger alex said...

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Jaxvillain said...

Actually, as an entertainment publication, our demographic is not nearly that finite. In radio the target demographic is usually narrowed down to a single imaginary consumer (ie. Susan Everyday is a 35 year old mother of two in a household that brings in 50,000 a year) and that is how they target their key demo. In print, especially a free paper, the demo is much wider. Folio gets more specific by proliferating a specific political agenda to target the younger, more progressive populace, to keep their position as The alternative weekly paper in town. But at EU we are more aware of the reality of Jacksonville than that. It's true that Will brought me in as an attempt to better pinpoint a younger reader, but I would never attempt that at the sacrifice of our older, often more valuable, readers.
It is my position that the success of the paper depends on two things: Incorporating the politically ambiguous readers that other publications alienate with the insistence on politics. This group is generally between the ages of 35 and 55. They are active and interested in arts, music, and local culture. This key demographic already favors our publication and I don't want to lose them.
The new demographic that we are reaching out to is the 25 to 45 year olds that are new professionals and young parents. The benefit of this audience is that it represents the future of the paper, especially as we forray more and more onto the Internet. To get this audience, we have targeted younger music coverage to accompany our traditional music coverage, incorporated more avant-garde film and more of the younger art scene.

By celebrating Jacksonville's indigenous culture and character we make our publication and Jacksonville at large sexier to the young, innovative crowd of active people. That young innovative crowd needs the patronage of the older, active crowd in order to succeed in their innovative endeavors. My hope is to make EU instrumental in the success of that relationship, thereby becoming the integral publication in town. Those looking for entertainment and those looking to entertain can rely on our publication alone to be that conduit, and then the "sheep" will follow suit, because it is then a cultural force.

That is why you are such a good fit for us, Rick. You understand our older demographics, and come from a similar starting point and perspective, but you are forward-thinking and appreciate the younger music. Not only that, but you provide a frame of reference that ties the new music of today's youth to the influences that they have come from, whether they realize it or not.

I hope the young people that are starting to read our paper see and appreciate your writing in the EU. If they don't, then they are naively trying to ignore half of their own culture, because the "hot new acts" of today are building upon the actions of the generations of the past. Past generations enabled this generation to make advances and laid the groundwork for the next evolution. Young people can be arrogant and inflated (as I'm sure plenty of people in your generation were when they were in their teens and 20s) but eventually they will grow up and realize that they need to benefit from voices like yours before those voices give up and disappear.
Indeed, the readers of EU are lucky to have a Rick Grant.


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