
Thursday, September 28, 2006


BY RICK GRANT Posted Sept 28, 2006

Kinky Friedman is a respected songwriter of witty ditties that have captured the imagination of many music lovers over the years. A group of famous musician have recorded a Kinky Friedman Tribute Album due out on Sept. 26, 2006, featuring Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett, Dwight Yokem and other not so famous Texas musicians. Yokem is the only musician on the album not from Texas.

Today, Kinky is a busy man, relentlessly campaigning for Governor of Texas on the Why the Hell Not platform. Actually, Kinky is the front runner as an independent candidate. His non-politician approach and common sense platform have caught on with Lone Star voters, sick and tired of mealymouthed politicians supported by Big Oil and special interests.

To find out more information about Kinky’s present day activities and how the Tribute Album came about, I called him on his cell phone. Getting Kinky on his cell is harder than calling the President of the United States. I had to call to get his voice mail, identify myself, and wait until he’s connected.. This is how he screens his calls. Well, after five times, he finally picked up.
Since I’ve always liked Kinky’s music, his politically incorrect attitude, his love of fine cigars,(one of my vices) I was looking forward to speaking with him. He was very busy, but we did manage to chat for ten minutes, first about his Tribute Album, and then his run for Governor.

"Jimmy Perkins produced the Tribute Album and he called me about it to ask me who I thought should be on it. Did I like this person or that person. But, I really had nothing to do with it. I wrote those songs thirty years ago, and many of the musicians on the album are young Texas artists that I didn’t know. However, I was pleased that Willie Nelson and Lyle Lovett were recording cuts. Of course, I was flattered that Jimmy was doing this project but I’ve been so busy running for Governor, I was out of the loop."

"When I decided to make a serious run for Governor, I quit touring and now I’m doing this full time. I have a real shot at winning. My message is resonating with ordinary Texans-- people who see what’s wrong and I’m telling them how to fix it. I’ve received a lot of support from other Texas musicians and non-Texas artists as well. Jimmy Buffett is coming to Texas for a big fund raising show, and he plans to have many famous artists with him," Kinky said.
Yes, Kinky’s ideals make sense. His wicked sense of humor that gave us Get Your Biscuits in the Oven, Sold American, They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore, Ride ‘em Jewboy, Homo Erectus, and may other classic Kinky Friedman songs are clever social commentary. He has taken his ideas and built them into a hopeful grass roots campaign.

The last independent governor of Texas was Sam Houston. Kinky’s Why the Hell Not platform simply states that Texas politics stinks. The parties sell themselves to the big donors, lobbyists control the legislature agenda, and the top fund-raising groups in the state are being indicted for money laundering. The same could be said of national politics.

I asked Kinky if he wins the Governorship of Texas does he have greater ambitions, say Kinky for President? "I’m not thinking that far ahead. I’ll wait and see what happens in Texas before I entertain any other political ambitions," he said.

So with his cigar firmly grasped in his teeth and cowboy hat as his signature look, Kinky goes forth with his ten reasons to elect him for Governor of Texas. They all make sense and are brilliantly simple solutions to Texas’ social ills. His tenth reason could be applied to any non-politician running for office–It’s time for Texas to Declare Independence from Politics-as-usual. Amen, brother. Excuse me while I light up my cigar.


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