
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel Offensive Justified--War is Hell Posted July 15, 2006

By Rick Grant

Israel is surrounded by enemies--terrorist states. It has been plagued by terrorist factions such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the PLO for years. Legions of suicide bombers have crossed the border and murdered scores of innocent people. Now, Israel is going after these terrorist thugs wherever they are given sanctuary in Jordan, Syria, and Iran.

As much as I deplore war as a scurge on humanity, the radical fundamentalist Muslims are hell bent to destroy Israel and America. All they know is violence and death. They're killers and crazed zealots who have been corrupted by their radical beliefs. Israel has no choice but to track them down and kill as many of them as possible. They're like the pagan barbgarian hordes that descended on Rome's territories. They were a threat to Rome's existance.

Likewise, the terrorist fighters are like rabid animals. It's kill or be killed. Isreal has been planning this offensive for years, gathering intelligence and marking targets. We should support them. With today's terrorists, only their total destruction will remove the threat. The Israelis have tried negotiating with them diplomatically. As history teaches us, that doesn't work. It's their way or no way. No one can reason with them.

These crazed fanatics want to turn the Mideast into a fundamentalist state-- a new medieval times, when mulahs and religious leaders tell everyone what to do. Israel and America can not let that happen. I say to the people of Israel, It's about time. Enough talk. Blast these murderers to hell, so you can live in peace.

Sadly like all wars, innocent people get killed. But if Israel and America do not take a hard line and conduct preemptive strikes, the terrorists will multiply like termites and eat away at our freedom and democracy. War is hell--but life in a fundamentalist state would be a greater hell.


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