Rick Raw: Politics has Degenerated Into Bitter Acrimony That Paralyzes Progress
By Rick Grant Commentary rickgrant01@comcast.net
American politics has always been an underhanded ugly game. However, in recent years, anything goes in the Body Politic, from proven crooks running to stupid women winning primaries. People have lost faith that politicians have our best interest in mind and for good reason.
In reality, today’s swine on the Hill could care less about their constituents. All they care about is getting rich and being reelected. The divisions between parties have widened into an unbreachable chasm.
Recently, minority whip John Boehner said that "My whole focus in the next two years will be to defeat President Obama in 2012." He didn’t say that he would help to solve the nation’s many problems and help establish new jobs for Americans. The evil bastard is brandishing his sword. Boehner’s reason for being is all out warfare against the Obama administration.
So we send these clowns to Washington to supposedly represent us, and all they do is fight to get a majority in Congress to wield power, and get reelected. Is it any wonder that a third of all Americans describe themselves as independents.
However, voting independent is tantamount to throwing your vote away. Yes, we’d all like a third viable independent party. Yeah, and fools rush into the black hole. History proves that it’s not going to happen any time soon. So, these people who say they’re independent are expressing an idealistic dream.
The partisans of the Left and Right try to shape the national agenda through inflammatory cable TV shows, attack ads, the Internet, talk radio, (which is mostly conservative) and various advocacy groups. There is no middle ground any more.
The war between partisan sides makes compromise impossible. So, voters get pissed off and decide to throw out incumbents without realizing that they are voting in the same scoundrels as before.
In this election, it’s like throwing out the baby with the bath water. And, we end up with a bunch of bitter Republicans who want to dismantle all of Obama’s accomplishments. So, the end result is: The war on the Hill continues ad infinitum.
So the angry voters throw out the majority of Democrats. How long will it take before they feel betrayed? Not long. Then the cycle starts all over again. If there was some Jesus-like white knight who rode into town with all the answers, perhaps he could change things? Nope, he’d hit the gridlock like all the rest.
The sorry bunch of people running for office keeps declining in intelligence, morals, and ethics. We get women who don’t know that Africa is a continent and other candidates who don’t know the minimum wage in their state. Yet, voters like their looks.
It’s like the judge who sentenced Ted Bundy to die in the electric chair. He praised Bundy’s legal skills and said he would have been a great lawyer, but he had chosen the wrong path. The judge missed the point. Bundy was a ruthless serial killer who killed over 40 young women, and then had sex with their dead bodies. The judge should have said: "You’re an evil demon and you should go straight to hell."
Many voters are like the incredibly stupid women who fall in love with serial killers and even marry them. Some women actually carry on married lives with incarcerated men without conjugal visits.
Dumb voters vote for a certain candidate for the most trivial reasons. To wit: They’re good looking, they flirt with women voters, they seem to be very conservative, while they cheat on their wives with other women or men. Or, they just look convincing on television.
The whole process of our Body Politic is corrupted by stupidity and deception. So what if the Republicans get a majority in Congress, it won’t change a thing. It will be an impasse until 2012, when Obama faces his biggest crisis–getting reelected.
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