Rick Raw: Bob Woodward’s New Book, "Obama’s Wars" Uncovers Revelations
By Rick Grant Commentary rickgrant01@comcasdt.net
While Obama’s Surge of 30,000 troops were hitting the ground in Afghanistan, President Obama was worried about the political fallout of his actions. This is just one of the revelations uncovered by Bob Woodward’s new book, "Obama’s Wars."
Gen. David Petraeus had told Obama that without a surge of 40,000 to 60,000 troops the war would be lost to the Taliban. This was a quasi-mutiny that cut off other options. Gen. Petraeus decided to take a tough stand against the waffling president.
Furthermore, Gen. Petraeus insisted that without additional troops, the Obama administration would be waving the white flag of surrender. In other words, Petraeus was psychologically circumventing the chain of command in his declaration–holding Obama’s face to the fire–saying in his mind, "Do it bitch, or we’ll lose."
Obama’s agonizing five-month delaying tactic, claiming to be reviewing the war strategy, was highlighted by his lack of options. When he announced the surge, he proclaimed the end of the Afghanistan war to be in July, 2011, when the U.S. will start withdrawing troops.
Returning officers from the Afghanistan War are speaking out that the Taliban is gaining in numbers and recruiting many more young Jihadists who want their 72 virgins in paradise.
These veteran combat hardened troops are not optimistic that we will win anything. In fact, the returning troops are saying the Taliban are in it for the long term, unless we can kill enough of them to offset their recruitment drive. Presently, that doesn’t seem likely. There is an endless supply of new recruits to the holy war.
Yeah, we could drop a thermonuclear megaton bomb on the border region and kill everyone there, but that would only recruit more Jihadists, hell bent to seek revenge. These young Muslims are born into the cause and brainwashed to see Americans as the devil’s disciples.
During Obama’s trial by general, Petraeus won a psychological victory over Obama’s indecision on the matter. Woodward’s book claims that Petraeus blatantly leveraged his popularity to blackmail Obama into sending more troops to Afghanistan.
In contrast, our constitution authorizes the civilian authority to determine military and foreign policy. Petraeus’ role is to offer private and confidential military advice, then stand down and follow orders.
The whole affair made Obama look like a weak leader who lets his generals run all over him. To save face, Obama chose a number for the surge that would satisfy Gen Petraeus, but make himself look like he made the decision.
Woodward’s Book explodes that myth and substantiates the public perception that Obama never had a clear Afghanistan policy to begin with. What’s worse, Obama politicized the Afghanistan War.
Media mavens are calling Obama’s Wars half-baked and delusional thinking.
So has the surge been effective? Absolutely not. No matter how many Taliban the U.S. and NATO forces kill, we can’t prevent the Taliban from reclaiming large swaths of rural country. Out in the hinterlands, villagers are scared to vote lest the Taliban retaliate and burn down their homes and kill everyone in the village.
Returning veterans and savvy citizens know that when we pull out of Afghanistan, it will be another Vietnam scenario. When we’re gone, the Taliban will take over most of the rural countryside. The Afghan government is already negotiating with the Taliban over which territories they will occupy when we leave.
The sad truth is: The Afghanistan War was unwinnable the day the U.S. set foot on Afghan soil in late 2001 and 2002. The Jihadists will keep coming ad infinitum. We should concentrate on protecting our own country against their threats.
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