
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rick Raw: Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Initiative Must be Stopped–It’s Time to Get Tough with Lying Ahmadinejad

By Rick Grant Commentary

It’s no secret that Iran has nuclear weapons ambitions. Everything they have done in the last ten years proves that this anti-American, anti-Israel Islamic state has been moving in that direction. Yet, their supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continue to lie about their intentions.

Just last week, Khamenei denied enriching uranium and thus taking steps to make a nuclear weapon, saying "these kinds of weapons of mass destruction are symbols of genocide and are, therefore, forbidden by our religion." He went on say that Iran is only interested in nuclear technology is for generating power. Right! He’s a lying sack of Islamic dung.

Undisputed Intelligence reports from America and Israel have contradicted Iran’s official denial for many months. We know, unequivocally, they’re building a nuclear weapon and may already have done it, and are now adapting it to their
missile systems.

My question is: Why the hell are we handling Iran with kid gloves? After all, Ahmadinejad has already stated that Iran will blow Israel off the face of the earth. Israel has no problem bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities, or sending special forces troops to sabotage Iran’s nuclear manufacturing plants. Israel’s very existence is at stake.

Yet, America is continuing its diplomatic initiative, which only gives Iran more time to finish their nuclear weapons program. Iran is just too dangerous to allow them to possess nuclear arms. Would they use a nuclear weapon to bomb Israel? It’s possible. More likely, they would use their nuclear might to pressure Israel and America for concessions.
It’s time to stop talking to Iran and scuttle their nuclear program by any means necessary.

Besides, Iran has ties with al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. It’s political infrastructure is in turmoil with continuing protests and uprisings. How would Iran secure its nuclear weapons in such a volatile atmosphere? The military could secretly sell their nuclear arms to terrorist groups, who would use them against the West.

No one wants a full-fledged war with Iran, but we have the capability to eliminate their nuclear weapons initiative with smart bombs and missiles delivered by drones and ships. Hit them at the heart of their nuclear facilities and force them to capitulate.

Former IAEA weapons inspector David Albright told CNN that Iran’s behavior "has to make you worry more about a potential conflict. They’re pushing on things that make them look like they’re going for nuclear weapons, and that’s risky. If they go much further, they may bring an attack on themselves by Israel. Iran needs to be more careful about its actions."

Indeed, but read between the lines. Iran is pushing to gain concessions by taking they’re ambitions to the limit and beyond. They’re practically daring Israel to attack them.

The bottom line: Israel does not intend to let Iran obtain nuclear weapons–period. They are on the verge of an all out attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. We, of course, would have to back Israel and it could develop into a nasty war.

So be it, if that what it takes. There are already too many nuclear weapons on Earth. We can’t allow Iran to posses them. For them to continue to lie isn’t helping their cause.


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