Rick Raw: Oh My God, I’m Turning Republican–Health Care Bill A Trojan Horse
By Rick Grant Commentary rickgrant01@comcast.net
The Health Care Bill hit the Senate floor like an anvil–clunk! The 2,000 page tome was voted to the floor for debate. At first, I was all for the bill until I began investigating the bad things lurking in those 2,000 pages, like taking $500 billion away from Medicare (which I"m on) and its colossal cost–$2 trillion.
Of course, the Democrats assure worried Americans that the bill will eventually pay for itself. Did I ever believe anything the government said? No. And this magic act of funding the bill through cost cutting provisions might take a hundred years.
Meanwhile, we continue to borrow large sums of money from China. Hell, at this rate, those commie bastards will own our asses. They send us shoddy merchandise and toxic sheet rock and Obama bowed to them like they were the Delhi Lama.
Last weekend, Mitch McConnell, Republican Leader, was on CNN. What he said made sense to me. He has proposed making incremental changes to reform health care to avoid big government control and its outrageous cost. In other words, McConnell proposes a step-by-step reform that everyone can live with. Amen, brother.
Indeed, the government can’t be trusted to draft any broad ranging legislation without turning it into a massive money eating bureaucracy like the IRS–Jabba the Hutt of our government.. The current tax code is 1,9000 pages long and no one really understands it. However, the IRS can dig up prosecutable provisions in the code to use against the taxpayer, ruining lives and forcing people onto the streets.
The health care debate could alter the bill drastically to the point that maybe some Republicans may come on board and vote for it. But, it’s a scary prospect. I worry about the National Debt rising as I type this piece (see clock on left column). Mother of God, that’s a lot of new money added to the clock.
Then , they want to throw-in another $2 trillion? I’m sorry , I can’t justify that in my mind when I’m having trouble paying my electric bill and buying groceries. Hell, I can’t afford much of anything anymore but the basics of existing–food, shelter, utilities, and gas for my car.
Don’t get me wrong, I still support Obama’s administration and his righteous hard work to undo Bush’s failures to get the country back on track. But our economy is still in deep trouble, with high unemployment and no new jobs on the horizon. Everyone I talk to is suffering–some worst than others.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen massive protests in Washington. People are pissed off and want action. If Obama can’t turn things around in the near future he’s toast. How much suffering can people take before they protest at the ballot box.
My fear of higher taxes and higher health care costs as a result of this bill are echoed by Republicans. Does this make me a Republican? Well, yes and no. On this one issue, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I’m still a hard core Democrat and liberal, and proud of it. Still, common sense dictates that this bill smells bad.
McConnell’s idea of making gradual changes to health care without the massive hammer and anvil method calms my anxiety about the bill’s astronomical cost. Whatever one’s opinion, the bill is a beast to be tamed. That’s why we have debate on the Senate floor.
The swine on the hill need to get together on this bill and do the right thing for the American people. If it passes as a rabid dog and causes health care prices to rise and new taxes to burden the already strapped American Public, Obama will never get reelected. Let’s hope wiser minds whittle down this great log of rotten wood.