
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rick Raw: Evil Empire will Crumble –IRS Power Wanes as Fair Tax Intiative Gains Momentum

For years I’ve been waging a personal war with the IRS and preaching that the Evil Empire must be eliminated. Finally, a powerful nonpartisan group of movers and shakers has come to the same conclusion. Ergo, this group has posted a website to outline their grass roots initiative. These prominent power players propose that the IRS should be dismantled and a fair tax system of sales tax put in its place. They have a bill ready to pass.

The distinguished group that formed the Fair Tax Plan include former governor and presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, radio host and Fair Tax author, Neal Boortz, Fair Tax lead sponsor Rep. John Linder, Fair Tax bill sponsor Rep. Steve King, business entrepreneur and radio host Herman Cain, Ga. Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner, John Oxendine, and National Communication Director for the AFFT Ken Hoagland.

Indeed, this is a serious bipartisan battle on the Hill to push this bill through the legislature and ultimately defeat the IRS collection goons, stripping them of their ubiquitous powers to destroy lives and emotionally torture people with their draconian collection methods and sweeping power to get into every aspect of a citizen’s financial background and essentially ruin a person’s life.

The IRS beast makes the Mafia look like boy scouts by comparison. Up until this growing Fair Tax initiative, the Evil Empire has run ripshod through the lives of many Americans that couldn’t keep up with the usurious interest and penalties that piled up in a short time. One can never pay off the IRS with affordable monthly payments. The balance due quadruples every month. The truth is: The IRS wields more power than the entire presidential administration branch of our government.

Recently, the Fair Tax disciples held a rally here in Jacksonville, Florida at the Landing with U.S. Reps. John Linder, R-Ga. and Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla, along with Neal Boortz as Master of Ceremonies. Hundreds of people showed up. I couldn’t be there but I am a member and strong supporter of this movement.

For many years I felt like one lonely voice in the wilderness preaching the downfall of the Evil Empire. However, I supported presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s campaign because he promised to dismantled the IRS. I switched my allegiance to Obama shortly after Hukabee started to sound like a Baptist preacher.

The principles of the Fair Tax plan are based on common sense and fairness. It’s founded on a progressive national retail sales tax, which is directly proportional to the value of the merchandise. For example, a HD flat screen TV would cost more tax than a microwave oven.

By its design, the wealthy will pay more because they will buy more luxury goods and services–yachts, BMWs, jewelry, mansions, et al. The poor will pay less. The plan abolishes all Federal, personal, (I love the term "abolishes all") and corporate income taxes. The bill stipulates that there will be no taxes on gifts, estates, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security (hallelujah) Medicare, and self-employment. The tax will be administrated primarily by existing state sales tax authorities. (Say yeah, brother Fair Tax advocates!)

The Fair Tax Act (HR 25,S 296) is nonpartisan legislation. It taxes us only on what we choose to spend on new goods or services, not on what we earn. It’s fair, efficient, and transparent. It’s so simple it boggles the minds of the legions of tax lawyers, none of whom understand the 1,900 pages of the present tax code.

Of course, food items would be exempt. (No, not beer, wine, or spirits.) One’s paycheck would be free of deductions and seniors would receive their whole Social Security payment and not have to pay tax on it. (Father, bless the Fair Tax boys.)

For years, politicians and activists have proposed this idea only to be silenced by the IRS’ powerful lobby. Now, we have an actual bill before Congress that would, in one fell swoop, wipe out the Evil Empire. Yes, thousands of IRS employees will lose their jobs. Too bad. They could get jobs in India as customer service reps, become loan sharks, or collect for the mob. I don’t care. The Evil Empire will crumble and my Fair Tax brothers and I will celebrate.
Kudos to Neal Boortz for his books, radio show, and tireless campaigning on this issue.


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