Rick Raw: IRS Madness Choking the Life Out of Seniors
By Rick Grant rickgrant01@comcast.net www.rickatnight.com
In 1993, the Clinton administration passed a bill that taxed senior citizens earning Social Security and worked either part-time of full-time. The insidious bill was buried in other legislation to get it passed. Before that, seniors earning Social Security could make as much extra money as they wanted. The new law put a terrible burden on seniors who wanted to work and draw Social Security to make ends meet.
In 2006, I went on Social Security but I was also working a full-time job. Since I was an independent contractor working from my own business, I ended up feeding the IRS beast substantial installment payments. I couldn’t afford to send them quarterly estimates. However, with penalties and interest, I was swimming up stream. Even with my monthly installments, the amount I owed was steadily rising. Today I owe the bastards $12,000 and have added most of it to my Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The IRS is a vast bureaucracy of fiendish debt collectors who will stop an nothing to collect their money. They are our country’s Gestapo–a mindless goose stepping army of sniveling weasels, preying on seniors and ordinary Americans. Their mission: Collect the money owed by any means necessary–even if it means ruining peoples lives. Google "IRS horror stories" to read the incredible tales of the Gestapo’s mental torture and sadistic tactics. In some cases like Redd Foxx, the Gestapo’s overkill methods actually kill people who die of heart attacks when the Gestapo barges into their homes with guns drawn like murderous home invaders. The IRS made a big example of Redd Foxx, going into his home and throwing all his possessions onto his lawn. It was a grandstanding media play to show the public that this is what will happen to you if you don’t pay the IRS. Foxx died a few months after the IRS made their big play. The stress of the IRS’ strong-arm tactics caused Foxx to have a massive heart attack.
During my time in debt to the IRS, they continually threatened me, inundating me with bundles of computer generated letters which threatened to levy my possessions, garnish my pay, and to throw me in jail. Hey, I’m small potatoes compared to big time IRS debtors. I just needed extra money to supplement my Social Security and pension. Even with the extra money, I was barely getting by. Why? I was paying the IRS large sums of money. I figure I had paid off my principle debt, but the IRS’ usurious penalties and interest piled up and I was feeding an insatiable Jabba the Hutt. The truth is, I could never pay them off at the IRS’ high rate of interest and penalties.
Because of the IRS’ stranglehold on my life and the beast’s continuing harassment, I decided to retire and get by on my wife’s and my Social Security payments as well as our respective pensions from former employers. I simply can’t afford to work and pay the Gestapo at the same time. In my income class, working and paying the IRS is a losing proposition. Clinton pushed through surreptitious dealings that make money to pay off Bush Senior’s national debt. But, it was a mistake to burden seniors with this responsibility. Tax the rich, not poor seniors. Interestingly, Obama has promised to repeal this law that taxes seniors.
This leads me to commentary about the dire need for another way of collecting income tax. Many candidates for president have suggested a flat tax, which to me, is fair. If you’re wealthy and you can afford luxury goods and services, then you pay a higher sales tax on every piece of merchandise or service. On necessities, like groceries, everyone, rich or poor, would pay a nominal sales tax. The method is fair because if you can’t afford luxury items, then you simply can’t buy them and you are not carrying the burden of paying taxes for the wealthy to live high off the hog. And best of all, the government gets their money up front.
Sadly, no one has lobbied to make a flat tax happen. The great IRS monster is firmly embedded in Washington, hunkered down in countless nondescript buildings with thousands of employees.
The IRS has great power to snuff out anyone trying to kill it. In many of the horror story cases, the IRS is guilty of reckless disregard for human life and should be prosecuted. They have literally ruined people’s lives and left them broken, sick, or dead. The Gestapo is America’s Evil Empire that needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice. Why has this criminal enterprise been allowed to exist. Why, why, why.