
Monday, October 08, 2007

Rick Raw: Famous Liars Exposed –Sorry is as Sorry Does!

By Rick Grant

In my campaign to prick the pus filled boils of bullshit and lies, lately, the liars are coming out of the woodwork to confess their lying ways and confirm my fervent belief that no one can be trusted–everyone is either full of bullshit or a lying sack of dung. We only have to look back to famous liars and the trend of lying as a way of life to confirm my hypothesis. Nixon said, "I’m not a crook....(and) I had no knowledge of the Watergate break-in." Bush Sr. said, "read my lips–no new taxes." Clinton said "I did not have sex with that woman....(and) depends on your definition of what ‘is’ is" Everything out of George W. Bush’s mouth is a lie. His justification for the Iraq war was based on lies. The oil triad-- Bush, Cheney, and Bush Sr.-- wanted Saddam Hussain ousted to protect their oil and other corporate interests in Iraq.

Incredibly, Clarence Thomas is still bitter and lying about his relationship with Anita Hill, saying in his book that she was a conniving harlot who set him up to be embarrassed during his confirmation hearing. He said after he was confirmed, "I’m a Supreme Court Justice for life–live with it." Hill has retained her dignity in her rebuttal to Thomas’ lies. She is now a respected college professor and has unilateral support from her colleagues and the public. Yeah, we’ve got a lying asshole on the Supreme Court. But we know he’s a liar and doesn’t deserve the position. And that’s what kills him. He gets no respect as a Justice and Anita Hill is out there pushing his nose in it.

Liars come from all walks of life, but lately, legions of fallen sports heroes are going before the cameras begging for forgiveness for their long history of lies. Personally, I don’t follow sports because the players are all overpaid liars and thugs masquerading as role models for our kids. The simple fact is: If an athlete uses performing enhancing drugs, he or she is cheating. Denying it only exacerbates their egregious offence.

Just the other day, Marion Jones was whimpering on CNN, that, after telling us for years that she didn’t use performance enhancing drugs, she was, in fact, a big fat liar. "Please forgive me," she cried. Is she going to give back all that endorsement money? No! Then why should we forgive her. Her cheating and lies made her rich. She would still be lying but she got caught and jammed up by Federal agents who made her confess as part of a plea deal. She lied to investigators which is a felony and she may have to serve time. The now defunct company that made these drugs was continually redesigning them to be undetectable. But the various sports ruling bodies were also designing more sophisticated machines and methods to detect these substances.

Presidents, disgraced sports heroes, car salesmen, cheating spouses, preachers, gamblers, hucksters, and the millions of work-a-day Americans are so desensitized to lies, that honesty has no value. If money can be made by lying, then hell, go for it is the creed. If you get caught–deny, deny, deny! Scott Peterson still says he didn’t carve up his wife and unborn child and drop them into the bay tied to cement blocks. Right! O.J. swears he didn’t butcher Nicole and Ron with a knife. Right! He’s still arrogant and walking free just to piss everyone off. Ah yes, we know the truth, despite their denials. At birth everyone should have a truth chip installed in their body that would cause the person excruciating pain if they lied. If they kept lying, they would spontaneously combust into a huge fireball. Well, it would help to control the population because people can’t stop lying. "The President of The United States just blew up on national television. Send in the next guy."


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